Journal Articles
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- B. Langa, I. Lainez, M. Marte, P. Johnson, N. Mehta,
D. Kulkarni, M. Ghimire, D. Hensley, B. Srijanto, C.E. Sosolik, K. Sardashti, Multiply-charged argon ion irradiation of microfabricated niobium wires,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 556, 165511(2024).
- R.H. Mattish, T.J. Burke, P.R. Johnson, C.E. Sosolik and J. P. Marler, Deflected beam method for absolute current
density determination, AIP Advances 13, 055206(2023).
- P.R. Johnson and C.E. Sosolik, SAFARI – A low and hyperthermal energy ion scattering simulation, Computer Physics Communications 280, 108479(2022).
- E.S. Srinadhu, D.D. Kulkarni, D.A. Field, J.E. Harriss and C.E. Sosolik, Multicharged ion processing for targeted nanostructure formation, Journal of Applied Physics 132, 155302(2022).
- Z.S. Taghadomi, Y. Wan, A. Flowers, P. Stancil, B. McLaughlin, S. Bromley, J. Marler, C. Sosolik and S. Loch, Relativistic Atomic Structure of Au IV and the Os Isoelectronic Sequence: Opacity Data for Kilonova Ejecta, Atoms 10, 94(2022).
- S.J. Bromley, C.A. Johnson, D.A. Ennis, G.J. Hartwell, D.A. Maurer, S.D. Loch, P.C. Stancil, B.M. McLaughlin, C.E. Sosolik and J.P. Marler, Panning for Gold: New Emission Lines from UV–VIS Spectroscopy of Au I and Au II, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 250, 19(2020).
- P.R. Johnson, D.C. McCall, M.S. Driggers and C.E. Sosolik, Simulating low and hyperthermal energy ion scattering from nanostructured
surfaces, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 478, 116(2020).
- P.R. Johnson, P.M. Copeland, A.O. Ayodele, E.N. Tarekegn, S.J. Bromley, W.R. Harrell, C.E. Sosolik and J.P. Marler, In-vacuum performance of a 3D-printed ion deflector, Vacuum 172, 109061(2020).
- S. Bromley, C. Ahl, C. Sosolik and J. Marler, Charge Exchange Cross Sections for Noble Gas Ions and N2 between 0.2 and 5.0 keV, Atoms 7, 7040096(2019).
- S. Bromley, C.E. Sosolik and J.P. Marler, Symmetric charge exchange for intermediate velocity noble gas projectiles, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.52, 215203(2019).
- E.S. Srinadhu, D.D. Kulkarni, D.A. Field, J.E. Harriss and C.E. Sosolik, The effects of multicharged ion irradiation on a polycarbonate surface, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 174, 205(2019).
- E.S. Srinadhu, J.E. Harriss and C.E. Sosolik, Shape transitions of Cu3Si islands grown on Si(111) and Si(100), Applied Surface Science 465, 201(2019).
- D.B. Cutshall, D.D. Kulkarni, J.E. Harriss, D.E. Field, C.E. Sosolik and W.R. Harrell, Effects of slow highly charged ion irradiation on metal oxide semiconductor capacitors, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 36, 052901(2018).
- S.J. Bromley, D.C. Fox, C.E. Sosolik, J.E. Harriss and J.P. Marler, A gas cell apparatus for measuring charge exchange cross sections with multicharged ions, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 073107(2018).
- D.B. Cutshall, D.D. Kulkarni, A.J. Miller, J.E. Harriss and C.E. Sosolik, Tracking ion irradiation effects using buried interface devices, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 422, 47(2018).
- D.D. Kulkarni, C.D. Ahl, A.M. Shore, A.J. Miller, J.E. Harriss, C.E. Sosolik and J.P. Marler, Kinetic energy offsets for multicharged ions from an electron beam ion source, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 083306(2017).
- D.D. Kulkarni, D.A. Field, D.B. Cutshall, J.E. Harriss, W.R. Harrell and C.E. Sosolik, Probing kinetically excited hot electrons using Schottky diodes, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 35, 03D103(2017).
- D.D. Kulkarni, L.A.M. Lyle and C.E. Sosolik, Ion transport through macrocapillaries Oscillations due to charge patch formation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 382, 54(2016).
- R. Shyam, D.D. Kulkarni, D.A. Field, E.S. Srinadhu, D.B. Cutshall, J.E. Harriss, W.R. Harrell, and C.E. Sosolik, Encapsulating Ion-Solid Interactions in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Devices, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62, 3346(2015).
- D.D. Kulkarni, R.E. Shyam, D.B. Cutshall, D.A. Field, J.E. Harriss, W.R. Harrell and C.E. Sosolik, Tracking Subsurface Ion Radiation Damage with MOS Device Encapsulation, Journal of Materials Research 30, 1413(2015).
- R. Shyam, D.D. Kulkarni, D.A. Field, E.S. Srinadhu, D.B. Cutshall, W.R. Harrell, J.E. Harriss and C.E. Sosolik, First Multicharged Ion Irradiation Results from the CUEBIT Facility at Clemson University, AIP Conference Proceedings 1640, 129(2015).
- E. Takacs, T. D. Kimmel, K. H. Brandenburg, R. K. Wilson, A. C. Gall, J. E. Harriss and C.E. Sosolik, Diagnostic Measurements of CUEBIT Based on the Dielectronic Resonance Process, AIP Conference Proceedings 1640, 154(2015).
- M.P. Ray, R.E. Lake, J.B. Marston, and C.E. Sosolik, Energy and charge transfer for Na+ ions scattered from a Ag(001) surface, Surface Science 635, 37(2015).
- R.E. Lake, C.E. Sosolik, and J.M. Pomeroy, Classical over-the-barrier model for neutralization of highly charged ions above thin dielectric films, Physical Review A 87, 062901(2013).
- R.E. Lake, J.M. Pomeroy, H. Grube, and C.E. Sosolik, Charge State Dependent Energy Deposition by Ion Impact, Physical Review Letters 107, 063202(2011).
- Lake RE, Pomeroy JM, and Sosolik CE, Critical capture distances for highly charged ions above dielectric covered metal surfaces, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269, 1199(2011).
- Pomeroy JM, Lake RE, and Sosolik CE, Highly charged ion interactions with thin insulating films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269, 1238(2011).
- Lake RE, Pomeroy JM, and Sosolik CE, Energy dissipation of highly charged ions on Al oxide films, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 22, 084008(2010).
- Ray MP, Lake RE, Sosolik CE, Thomsen LB, Nielsen G, and Chorkendorff I, Towards hot electron mediated charge exchange in hyperthermal energy ion-surface interactions, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 22, 084010(2010).
- Ray MP, Lake RE, Sosolik CE, Thomsen LB, Nielsen G, and Chorkendorff I, Subsurface excitations in a metal, Physical Review B 80, 161405(2009).
- Lake RE, Puls JR, Ray MP, and Sosolik CE, Compact deposition system for device-based ultrathin crystalline film growth, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 27, 1024(2009).
- Ray MP, Lake RE, and Sosolik CE, Energy transfer in quasibinary and collective scattering events at a Ag(001) surface, Physical Review B 79, 155446(2009).
- Ray MP, Lake RE, and Sosolik CE, Alkali Ion Scattering from Ag(001) and Ag Thin Films at Low and Hyperthermal Energies, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 267, 615(2009).
- Lake RE, Dean A, Maheswaranathan N, Lange AP, Ray MP, and Sosolik CE, Vacancy island creation and coalescence using automated scanning tunneling microscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 013703 (2008).
- Ray MP, Lake RE, Moody SA, Magadala V, and Sosolik CE, A hyperthermal energy ion beamline for probing hot electron chemistry at surfaces, Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 076106 (2008).
- Pomeroy JM , Grube H, Perrella AC, Sosolik CE, and JD Gillaspy, Transport and STM measurements of HCI modified materials, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 256, 319 (2007).
- Powers J, Manson JR, Sosolik CE, et al., Temperature-dependent scattering of hyperthermal energy K+ ions, Physical Review B 70, 115413 (2004).
- Sosolik CE, Hampton JR, Lavery AC, et al., Thermally enhanced neutralization in hyperthermal energy ion scattering, Physical Review Letters 90, 013201(2003).